7 tips for fast stress relief and regeneration at work

Lecture by
Dr. Phil. Brigitte Bösenkopf

Available as online lecture

7 tips for fast stress relief and regeneration at work

7 tips for fast stress relief and regeneration at work

Life is all about routine which gives safeness but also often leads to disenchantment in work. Work is the place where most of the days are exactly the same. But then suddenly something unexpected and irregular happens and there it is: Stress! Constant rising expectations, flexibility and availability, as well as too little time to regenerate make the illness scales climb high. Additional leisure stress makes illnesses like burnout even worse. Regeneration on stressful days or weeks fall into oblivion. Health being the highest good? Not really. The problem is that most employees and leaders underestimate the value of regeneration and aren’t informed about the easiest methods of stress prevention and regeneration. In consequence the employees and leaders are tired, stressed and unmotivated. How to find joy in this daily routine of stress and win back the joy of work through prevention and regeneration shows psychologist and Global Topspeaker Dr. Brigitte Bösenkopf in her lecture “7 tips for fast stress relief and regeneration at work”. With this lecture employees and leaders gain back the fun in the hamster wheel.

People who like to work gained some qualities and mental basic settings which make fun at work not unrealistic. The right stress prevention is the base to work through the day with joy and power. If one meeting after the other is on the agenda short regeneration breaks help to keep up the performance. Thereby your leaders and employees not only increase their motivation but also operate much more problem-orientated under stress and act solution-orientated in crisis situations.

That this is possible even in our hectic business days explains Dr. Brigitte Bösenkopf in her lecture in an agile and sympathetic way. She shows how to measure your regeneration level and thereby realize when to bring down your stress level. Vivid and with a lot of examples underpinned leads Dr. Brigitte Bösenkopf shows several tools for regeneration and prevention in office life. Employees and leaders are able to implement those quickly and cause more motivation and less defaults due to illness.

One major part for less stress and more confidence at work is the enthusiasm towards everyday work. Fun at work is the best stress prevention.

Contents of lecture:

  • The marmot-strategy: How important is change in your everyday routine?
  • The wire rope-strategy: How to keep one’s nerve despite stress?
  • The energy turbo-strategy: How do I stay full of energy instead of being jaded?
  • The anti-frustration-strategy: Can stress be fun?
  • The “Fitness for your brain”-strategy: How do I delete motivation killers from my brain?
  • The Hightechtools-strategy: Which techniques help me the most?
  • The growth-strategy: How do I become successful through deceleration?

Other lectures by Brigitte Bösenkopf

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