crisis management: what we can learn from bank robbery
Lecture by
Dr. Phil. Brigitte Bösenkopf
Available as online lecture

crisis management: what we can learn from bank robbery
The tenth employee calls in sick today, the phone is ringing every few minutes and the promising new client jumps off. The body releases stress hormones, oneself doesn’t know how to get out of that stressful situation. In this moment you experience your personal bank robbery. What you need now? The right crisis management.
Psychologist and Global Tospeaker Dr. Brigitte Bösenkopf supervises and helps victims of bank robbery and sees parallels to everyday crisis situations in work and private life. Everyone has to deal with smaller or bigger bank robberies every day. To handle those crisis situations resilient, the Global Topspeaker recommends building a proactive crisis management.
Learn in this lecture “Crisis management: What we can learn from bank robbery”, how to build your own and individual crisis management and, more important, how to implement it into your daily routine. Furthermore, you will learn which signals are important to know, to help your employees or colleagues in their crisis situations.
Being a psychologist and co-founder of Vienna’s first stress-centre Dr. Brigitte Bösenkopf collected all her tips for stress management. “70% of stress is ‘homemade’ and is strongly connected to our character and life story”, says Dr. Bösenkopf.
However, it is possible to change these settings in every age and to install a ‘new software’. The referent and Keynote Speaker shows with the help of several examples, how preventive measures are taken successfully and which environment promotes burnout and stress in your company. A lot of work doesn’t make ill! Even the goal-oriented workaholic, who’s life sense is work, is able to stay healthy and motivated if some warning signals are taken seriously and motivational rituals are incorporated into everyday life. Prevent stress with Dr. Bösenkopf and safe your company from the next bank robbery.
Other lectures by Brigitte Bösenkopf
mentally healthy and fit in work and everyday life despite stress
Everyday life and work pose a challenge towards our health. Due to lack of time, performance- and peer pressure and high expectations our mental and physical health suffers on a long-term point of view. Stress is omnipresent and leads to health issues if people aren’t resilient. Despite burnout isn’t that much of a foreign word anymore, we tend to avoid dealing with stress and our health. How important it is to build stress resilience and install a new hard disk in our head, shows Dr. Brigitte Bösenkopf in her practical lecture “Mentally healthy and fit in work and everyday life despite stress”.
7 tips for fast stress relief and regeneration at work
Life is all about routine which gives safeness but also often leads to disenchantment in work. Work is the place where most of the days are exactly the same. But then suddenly something unexpected and irregular happens and there it is: Stress! Constant rising expectations, flexibility and availability, as well as too little time to regenerate make the illness scales climb high. Additional leisure stress makes illnesses like burnout even worse. Regeneration on stressful days or weeks fall into oblivion. Health being the highest good? Not really.