Hubert Zitt talks about moon landing and Star Trek at SWR

 Last weekend it was the 50th anniversary of the first ever crewed moon landing. The jubilee of this spectacular event was thematised in SWR’s “Kaffee oder Tee”. Global Topspeaker and Star Trek expert Dr. Hubert Zitt talked about moon landing, his famous Star Trek-lectures and about an observatory, he designed to look like R2D2.


The expert for electrical engineering and computer engineering Dr. Hubert Zitt is a requested interview partner for television and radio thanks to his famous Star Trek-lectures. He is able to combine technical context and fun like no other. Zitt spoke about the moon landing in the show “Kaffee oder Tee” but he also focused on his lectures, which made him famous nationwide and international as a speaker.

Hubert Zitt published several specialist books relating to ISDN and DSL as well as the preface of the book “Star Trek in Germany” – together with the son of Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry, Eugene Roddenberry. Hubert Zitt is an honorary member of the Trek-Dinner in Munich and was awarded the “exceptional speaker” award of the speakers agency 5 Sterne Redner in 2012.