Beat the stress: Speaker Brigitte Bösenkopf tells you how

Portrait von 5 Sterne Rednerin Dr. Brigitte Bösenkopf.

The englisch profile with all information about Global Topspeaker Brigitte Bösenkopf, an well known expert in stress management and burnout prophylaxis, can now be found on Global Topspeakers Website.

Bösenkopf is sure that the best prevention against burn-out is to take pleasure in ones work! „If the whole life consists of work, one would be a fool not to fill it with joy,“ she points out in her lectures.

Bösenkopf, who has been a successful burnout coach in different companies for many years, is the a co-founder of a health center in Vienna and author of the German language book “Mut zur Lebensfreude“ meaning "The courage to have a joyful life".

In her inspiring lectures she presents new ways of how to deal with stressful situations and shows which preconditions are necessary for body and mind to stay healthy. 

Bösenkopfs clients include insurrance companies, universities and media companies, where she does stress ratings of managers and employees and mediation sessions.