Top Speaker Janszkys visions: „How the cloud will change our lives“

Top Speaker Janszkys visions: „How the cloud will change our lives“

The well-known Global Top Speaker and founder of the 2b AHEAD ThinkTank Sven Gabor Janszky presents his long-awaited new lecture: „Looking beyond - How the cloud will change our lives" describes an imaginary day in the life of a human being in the year 2023. The scenario is developed annually by 200 managers and industry heads at the Future Congress of the “most innovative think tank of Germany”.

Janszkys brand-news lecture focusses on the deep penetration of everyday life by cloudbased smart assistants and their impact on every human being, our culture and the way we are communicating with each other. Not only team leaders and managers  need to deal with questions such as „Are we losing our self-determination and live directed by technology?“ or „How are we handling our personal data?“. Janszkys look into the future brings out key strategy recommendations for companies and shows possible business models for the future.

For those even more interested in the topics and future visions: Sven Gabor Janszkys newest trend book “2025 – how we work in the future” will be published in April 2013.

Apart from future trends, other lectures of the powerful and eloquent Journalist and trendscout Janszky include topics such as innovation management and creativity management.