Trend researcher Sven Gábor Jánszky publishes new trend study

Trendforscher Sven Gabor Janszky

„The omni-channel management of the future: How financial service providers make their dialogue with corporate customers fit for the future”, this is the title of the new trend study our Global Top Speaker and trend researcher Sven Gábor Jánszky published in March. The trend researcher and guest speaker on the subject of the future regularly analyses current developments and future trends. 


The core of trend researcher and speaker Sven Gábor Jánszky’s trend study: Integrated customer communication via all channels will be the standard for businesses in the future. This will also apply to the future B2B business of financial service providers. Due to the internet alone, the requirements of corporate customers regarding communication, services and products have already changed considerably. This is why businesses will have to radically readjust their structure, organisation and processes in order to meet the challenges of the future.

The 50-page qualitative Delphi study, the speaker on the subject of the future Sven Gábor Jánszky and the Leipzig based trend research institute 2b AHEAD ThinkTank published in cooperation with the supplier of communication solutions and services, Unify, is divided into four future trend fields. It reveals the cause and effects of consistent, client-focused customer communication („omni-channel“) and gives 23 concise strategic recommendations on how financial service providers can follow up on this development and implement it successfully. The study is based on the statements of a select group of innovation decision-makers, strategy heads and experts on the future.

Trend researcher Sven Gábor Jánszky, Executive Director of 2b AHEAD: „Financial service providers date back to a time when corporate customers mainly needed loans for small or medium-sized projects and negotiated them face-to-face with their bank officer. However, the customers’ environments have changed and with them the requirements for financial security and comprehensive consulting. At the same time, we are experiencing a technological revolution which fundamentally changes people’s everyday life and the business world as well. Flexible products and services as well as modern customer communication facing each corporate customer competently – on all channels – is what will count in the future.”