Change for the ears: Audio books by Ilja Grzeskowitz on Spotify

Change expert Ilja Grzeskowitz not only provides inspiration on the subject of change in his motivational lectures. In his books he brings his ideas, messages, and opinions closer to a broad public. Meanwhile, five of his books are available as audio books on Spotify and thus offer the perfect opportunity for exciting change impulses while walking, cooking or in the car.

One of the audio books now available on Spotify is the motivation manifesto for entrepreneurs, lateral thinkers and all those who want to become one: “Let’s talk about change, baby!” In it, change expert Ilja Grzeskowitz describes the most important principles, values and characteristics that are part of a manager’s duties in times of constant change. His latest, internationally successful book “The Changemaker Mindset” is also available as an audio book. In this book Ilja Grzeskowitz conveys to the listener the three key factors for success. The audio book shows that the human factor is crucial for success now and in the future.

The following books are also available as audio books on Spotify: “Radikal Menschlich: Erfolgsfaktor Persönlichkeit in Zeiten der Veränderung”, „Mach es einfach! Warum wir keine Erlaubnis brauchen, um unser Leben zu verändern“ und „Attitüde – Erfolg durch die richtige Haltung“.

The goal of the change expert is to spread a positive image of change in the world. In his lectures Ilja Grzeskowitz brings fresh change spirit into companies. With his many years of experience in business, he inspires in a practical way and not from the top down. Ilja Grzeskowitz conveys this knowledge and his enthusiasm for change management in his lectures and shows how change really works.