Sven Gabor Janszky publishes new trend analysis on data privacy
In this presentation, the fascinating keynote speaker talks about a paradigm shift in data privacy that has long since taken place. The new General Data Protection Regulation by the EU, however, is based on a 30 year old way of thinking. For in the eighties, society considered the government to be a supervisory body or watchdog, personal data therefore was something to conceal to the largest extent possible. Thanks to digitisation, this attitude has drastically changed nowadays, however. And with the future spread of smart technologies, it will change even further as these technologies may only be put to good use in everyday life if they can access and analyse data. „In the future, we won’t want to make a secret of our data but share them“, says Sven Gabor Janszky.
In his trend analysis, he therefore compiled nine data privacy trends that explain this change in relevance. Building on that, the publication illustrates what successful business models will evolve in the future as a result. The analysis was published by Europe’s most innovative trend research institute, 2b AHEAD ThinkTank, a think tank founded and headed by Sven Gabor Janszky which focuses on business scenarios. You may access the trend analysis on data privacy here.