Sven Gabor Janszky’s opinion polarizes

Giving thought-provoking impulses through an inconvenient point of view. That’s what differs pioneers, entrepreneurs and pulse pacersetters, who are part of the Rulebreaker Society. Their president und Co-founder, Europe’s most innovative futurologist and Global Topspeaker Sven Gabor Janszky, polarizes with his opinion on climate change and humanity.

His thesis: The betrayal’s name on nature is humanity, not SUV!

Janszky, being a classical Rulebreaker, questions, why investing in new technologies like nuclear power, genetics or quantum computers will help with climate change and abandoning meat and plane journeys won’t make the significant difference. Technologies, Germany clearly dissociated from.

Sven Gabor Janszky claims in an interview: Humanism betrayed nature with denying new technologies. This statement caused great indignation and few of Janszky’s friends in media denounced their friendship. On the other hand, this polarising statement entails several offers of politicians, wanting to work with the trend researcher.

Trend researcher Janszky is convinced that only by extending the natural resources the dignity of almost 10 billion people on earth will be ensured. And these technologies are broadly developed, which makes it neither utopic nor impossible that several of the great problems of humanity like hunger, availability of water or climate change might be solved.

You can download the interview with Sven Gabor Janszky here:

Futurologist Sven Gabor Janszky new book “2030 – Wie viel Mensch verträgt die Zukunft“, which can be ordered on amazon, the founder of the 2b AHEAD ThinkTank describes the future of climate more detailed.