Expert for communication releases an e-book about saying-no
Stefanie Voss focuses especially on the fact that calling something off doesn’t have to be stubborn or means repelling someone. In her opinion saying no – in work and private life- is a key skill of successful people. Those people are able to prioritize while being respectful. This means: Saying “yes” in situations when you truly mean it and saying “no” when it is necessary. Thereby situations which overextend, eat away time and cause energy-sapping stress are avoided.
Respectfully saying no is also one part of the Global Topspeakers communication-trainings, career counselling’s and business-coaching’s. How a general answer could look like, explains the communication expert like that:
- Part1 – Saying thank you: “Thanks for asking me…”
- Part2 – Saying No: “… but no, I can’t help you at the moment…”
- Part3 – Assuring addressability: “… but you can ask any time again.”
In her e-book she dives in deeper into the topic and gives practical tips for different situations in everyday life. “So werden Sie zum wertschätzenden Nein-Sager” (How to become a respectful nay-sayer) is available for free download on Stefanie Voss’s blog .