Boris Konrad and Ilja Grzeskowitz are Certified Speaking Professionals
The „Certified Speaking Professional“ certificate represents the ultimate quality standard for international speakers and documents their outstanding skills and professionalism on the international stage. In Germany, only 20 professional speakers are entitled to it and all over the world, no more than 7 per cent of the professional speakers do carry the coveted title. Applying for the CSP is a big challenge in itself: Not only are the applicants required to present their commercial records of the recent five years and to furnish proof of having delivered at least 250 paid presentations during this time, but they also have to provide a sizeable number of top evaluations from customers and principals.
Dr. Boris Nikolai Konrad, the world champion in memorising names and frequent guest in German TV shows such as Germany’s “Superhuman” (“Deutschlands Superhin”) and “Wetten, dass …?) met all these requirements and naturally was very proud when he was accepted into the prestigious group of CSPs. „Not only does the CSP medal honour our work but it also lends more credibility to the speaker’s profession itself“, says Konrad.
Ilja Grzeskowitz, the author of seven books and renowned guest speaker at international events, could not contain his pleasure either when he received the letter by the National Speakers Association – he broke into cheers at once. However, it was important to the Change Expert to point out that the award is nothing that can be bought but can only be earned by years of hard work.
The official award ceremony for the two Global Topspeakers, Dr. Boris Nikolai Konrad and Ilja Grzeskowitz, took place in Phoenix, Arizona, at the end of July.