Extreme athlete Norman Bücher: Journey through Oman and to yourself

Six days and six nights in the world’s largest sand desert – is it really possible to hold a motivational seminar in this kind of surroundings? Extreme athlete Norman Bücher has proven: Yes, it is – and it even worked out pretty well. On the occasion of his exclusive “break your limits” seminar trip through the desert of the Arab Sultanate of Oman, the Global Topspeaker recently demonstrated to eight participants how dreams become goals and how to accomplish them.

and how to accomplish them.The expedition seminar with the extreme athlete from the German town of Karlsruhe started in Salalah, the second largest city in Oman. Apart from an exceptional trekking tour, seven impulse workshops had been on the agenda as well. And the best thing was: They took place in the open, in the vast expanse and quiet of the desert. The Rub-al-Khali-desert is one of the most inaccessible regions on earth. „With its total isolation, magnificent dunes and clear night sky, it is an inspiring place to reflect on one’s personal goals in life, one’s dreams and visions”, says the adventurer and keynote speaker.

The climatic conditions, however, were a great challenge for the participants: On some days, extreme athlete Norman Bücher – who, amongst others, has already crossed the Kalahari Desert, hiked through the Brazilian jungle and mastered a lot of other ultra-marathons and extreme runs – had to report temperatures of more than 35 degrees centigrade. The main focus of the 10-day expedition seminar, however, wasn’t the athletic challenge itself: First and foremost, the German extreme runner wanted to convey to his fellow travellers how to consciously focus themselves on their goals and thus achieve them.

Norman Bücher sums up the seminar trip to Oman: „The more we penetrated this fascinating landscape, the further we removed ourselves from our daily life in Germany with its hustle and bustle and its noise. We immersed ourselves in total silence and were surrounded by a sea of endless sand dunes. A wonderful place to leave the daily routine behind, to reflect on and question our habits and behavioural patterns.“

In his fascinating presentations such as "Break your limits - What business can learn from extreme sports", the graduate in business management and Global Topspeaker Norman Bücher demonstrates what the economy can learn from extreme sports. With a combination of extraordinary willpower and the willingness to take risks, outstanding accomplishments can be achieved in sports and business alike.