The press is, of course, also interested in our speakers and reports on dates, lectures or recently published books. Here we therefore provide press reports related to us.
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Mercedes Benz has published an interview with Global Topspeaker Ellen Lohr:
In the fast lane
The Non-Profit-Organisation AMI Newswire has published an article by Global Topspeaker Dr. Lamont Colucci:
America played a big role in the decisive…
The Swedish Magazin NWT has published an article about Global Topspeaker Tina Thörner:
Tina Thörner selects new roads
CNBC has published an article about Global Topspeaker Dr. Boris Nikolai Konrad:
Scientist show how anyone can improve memory
The news service vocativ has published a new article about Global Topspeaker Dr. Boris Nikolai Konrad:
The brain of people with super memories are no…
The magazine ScienceNews has published an article about Global Topspeaker Dr. Boris Nikolai Konrad:
Brain training turns recall rookies into memory…
The newspaper The Guardian has published an article about Global Topspeaker Dr. Boris Nikolai Konrad:
Ancient technique can dramatically improve…
The National Public Radio has published an article about Global Topspeaker Dr. Boris Nikolai Konrad:
Maybe You, Too, Could Become A Super Memorizer
CNN has published a new article about Global Topspeaker Dr. Boris Nikolai Konrad:
Hack your brain to remember almost anything
The magazine New Scientist has published a new article about Global Topspeaker Dr. Boris Nikolai Konrad:
How to train your brain to be like a memory…