Prof. Dr. Carlo Masala

Professor of International Politics, Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Federal Academy for Security Policy as well as of the NATO Defence College.
International relations, security policy within NATO, strategic analyses of international political
German, English

lectures by Prof. Dr. Carlo Masala


Prof. Carlo Masala provides insight into strategic and political analyses, profound research and further reflections on the person of Vladimir Putin and the current Ukraine war.

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WAR AND PEACE. A look at the history of relations between Russia and Germany.

For centuries, the Russian-German relationship has been characterised by different alliances, cooperation and hostilities. What were the omens and signals that pointed to an escalation of the conflict?

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THE POWER OF IMAGES. Analyses of the current Ukraine war.

The flood of images and information associated with the war in Ukraine is almost unmanageable. Prof. Dr. Carlo Masala shows how to deal with and analyse images and videos from the war.

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Prof. Dr. Carlo Masala is professor of international politics at the University of the Federal Armed Forces in Munich, co-editor of the Zeitschrift für Politik (ZfP), the Zeitschrift für internationale Beziehungen (ZIB) and member of the scientific advisory board of the Federal Academy for Security Policy and the NATO Defence College. He is currently considered one of the most sought-after academics when it comes to analyses and reflections on the current war in Ukraine. As a political analyst, he is a sought-after interlocutor for many journalists and can be seen almost daily on TV.

As a professor of international relations at the University of the Federal Armed Forces in Munich, his political forecasts, evaluations and strategic analyses of the current war in Ukraine receive a great deal of attention and reputation.

Keynote Speaker Prof. Dr. Carlo Masala