David Borst

Keynote Speaker Future

Futurologist, Startup Founder, Investor, Company Builder
Future, start-ups, innovations, mobility of the future
German, English

"The future is being created today."

Living and working in the future is an important component for all of us. But what do we need to prepare for and what awaits us in the near and distant future? Futurologist, startup founder and former managing director of 2b AHEAD Ventures David Borst has been dealing intensively with these questions for years. In his rousing talks as a 5-star speaker, David Borst now talks, among other things, about why the future is already emerging today and how we can actively shape it.

Roland Meyer - LeasePlan Deutschland GmbH

"Mr Borst gave us an exciting glimpse into the future. While we were "trapped" in the next 5 to 8 years, he speaks soundly about the next century. It helped us broaden our view and lifted us to another level of thinking. Incredibly exciting topics! Thank you so much for this!"

Thomas Schwalb - IIA Austria - Institute for Internal Auditing Austria

"David Borst's lecture was thought-provoking. On the one hand, he conveyed the realization that the future has already begun and that much of what appears to us to be science fiction is already possible today - and on the other hand, he asked us the question, do we want it all? The intensive discussion that followed his lecture was an impressive testimony to the fact that David Borst hit a nerve with his forecasts and theses. His talk was one of the highlights of our conference!"

Christopher Haberlehner - ORF

"David Borst exceeded all expectations! After a very professional preparation incl. briefing with several coordination meetings with his team as well as him personally, I got to know Mr. Borst as a very friendly person and speaker, who also in special times like Corona reacted very flexibly to any changes, requirements and wishes promptly. Thematically, his presentation left a lasting impression on more than 130 virtual participants/members. I will gladly recommend Mr. Borst - it was my second lecture from "2b AHEAD" - at any time!"

Bahar Koc - BayWa AG

"Mr. Borst gives an insight into the future in an unusually exciting way and makes you think. There is something for everyone!"

lectures by David Borst

How we will live and work in the future

The future holds some exciting and unusual questions: Where do you travel with the self-driving hotel room? What do you give your friends for their 300th birthday? What do I do if my washing machine is smarter than I am? How do I want to optimise myself thanks to Medical Health? How will autonomous driving change my working hours? 5-Star Speaker and futurologist David Borst knows the answers to these questions and takes away the fear of the future in his exciting talk.

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Mobility of the future

All people in Germany together spend around 30 million hours a day driving a vehicle, navigating through traffic jams or desperately searching for a parking space. Germans love their cars and would not want to do without them in the future. Another important part of getting around is public transport. We are freer than ever in our mobility and at the same time it is undergoing unprecedented change.

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Customer and trade of the future

Consumption is a need that is an essential growth driver for modern economies. However, Amazon, Zalando or Alibaba show that customers do not necessarily need the personal aspect of shopping to buy a product. They also expect the same assortment, all payment options and fast delivery from local retailers. Even the actual sales conversation has changed fundamentally due to online retailing. The customer comes to the shop well informed, has researched the price differential and demands excellent customer service. In the coming years, these developments will intensify even further; it is no longer the customer who makes the decision, but the shopping advisors trained by him (Alexa and Co.).

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Large corporation vs. start-up

Young, hip and full of innovative power - that's how most people imagine a start-up. But a large corporation also has many advantages over a start-up. But how can you combine the positive aspects of a large corporation with a start-up to achieve maximum success? The 5-star speaker and futurologist David Borst is at home in the world of start-ups due to his work as managing director at 2b AHEAD Ventures and knows how to integrate the Silicon Valley spirit into large commercial groups. In his rousing talk, Borst now gives valuable tips on how to combine the best of these two worlds.

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The future is being created today

The future does not come into being by chance, but by people and organisations shaping it with their power. But how do we accept the future as such and how can we manage to shape it with all our might? Future shaper and Managing Director at 2b AHEAD Ventures David Borst deals with questions about the future every day. In his rousing and forward-looking lecture, the 5-star speaker now talks about how we can shape our future together.

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David Borst is founder of the startup Below0 and former managing director of 2b AHEAD Ventures, which is part of Germany's most innovative think tank, the 2b AHEAD ThinkTank. In this position, he supported companies to remain relevant to the future by building a forward-looking startup portfolio together with the companies. He is now implementing this himself as founder of the photovoltaic startup Below0. Based on futurology from 2b AHEAD ThinkTank, he generates disruptive ideas, validates business concepts to exploit future trends and disputes markets. His biggest topic is innovation management in companies. His projects as a futurologist also deal with innovations in the field of artificial intelligence and digitalisation, such as the digital chef of the bot economy.

Futurologist and start-up founder David Borst completed his studies in industrial engineering and mechanical engineering with distinction. During this time, he was managing director of a student consultancy, gained experience abroad in Lithuania and China and founded his own email marketing company. Borst completed his diploma in Australia. During his traineeship at Siemens Mobility, David Borst was intensively involved with the market launch of smart and innovative product portfolios and also took over sales for them. The topic of autonomous driving and artificial intelligence in road traffic was also an important project for the 5-star speaker, which repeatedly took him to the USA.

In his rousing lectures as a 5-star speaker, futurologist David Borst talks about future-relevant topics such as living and working in the future as well as mobility and trade of the future. In doing so, he skilfully shows his audience how everyone can contribute to shaping and directing their own future.

Keynote Speaker David Borst

News, Presse und Blog

Zukunftsforscher David Borst: Willkommen im 5 Sterne Team!

Die Zukunft kann so einfach sein! Das beweist der neue 5 Sterne Redner und Zukunftsforscher David Borst. Mit seinen spannenden und mitreißenden Vorträgen begeistert der Start-up-Experte sein Publikum. Als Geschäftsführer des 2b AHEAD Ventures ist er immer am Puls der Zeit und spürt neue Trends und Strömungen auf. Wohin entwickelt sich unsere Gesellschaft? Wie sieht unsere Lebens- und Arbeitswelt 2030 aus und wie werden wir uns in der Zukunft fortbewegen?

Zur Newsmeldung

Sie suchen einen Keynote Speaker? 4 neue Vortragsredner bei 5 Sterne Redner

Wenn Sie eine Veranstaltung nach den Sommerferien planen und begeisternde Unterhaltung, Expertenimpulse und professionelle Planung suchen, dann sind Sie bei uns im 5 Sterne Team genau richtig. In den vergangenen Wochen und Monaten haben wir mit neuen, begeisternden Vortragsrednern zusammengearbeitet, die nun unser Portfolio an Keynote Speakern ergänzen. Hier finden Sie eine praktische Übersicht der neuen Redner aus dem ersten Halbjahr 2021!

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Studie zu Megatrends in der Mobilität von morgen veröffentlicht

Kürzlich veröffentlichte „Shift Mobility powered bei IFA“ gemeinsam mit „pressrelations“ eine Studie zu den Megatrends in der Mobilitätsbranche. Der Titel: „The Great Shift: Future of Mobility and New Urbanism“. Untersucht wurde, wie sich das Leben auf dem Land und in der Stadt durch die Mobilität von morgen verändert. 10 Trends konnten dabei definiert werden. Dazu gehören: Mikromobilität, Mobilität & Nachhaltigkeit, Autonomes Fahren und New Urbanism. „Die Studie definiert die aktuellen Trendthemen der Mobilität auf Basis aktueller Diskurse und liefert somit ein aktuelles Bild der wesentlichen Trendthemen“, sagt Dr. Hans H. Hamer, CEO SHIFT Mobility.

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Exkurs Zukunft: Neuer 2b AHEAD ThinkTank Podcast

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