Ronny Leber
A wave of enthusiasm. The stadium experience for companies
lectures by Ronny Leber
Conference speaker Ronny Leber understands how to get people working on a common goal. He knows the mechanisms of group dynamics that can lead to harmony or disharmony in workforces. Psychological as well as sociological aspects promote enthusiasm for a cause. His motivating instructions and helpful approaches create a pleasant team atmosphere.
With his speech about the arena principle, conference speaker Leber skillfully demonstrates how to inspire big groups and to reach the best outcome together – whether in team sports or in a company. The man for big events works with the best of the world on a regular basis, like Tom Brady, Thomas Muster and Alexander Zverev. Furthermore, the experienced keynote speaker presented many times as certified Anthony-Robbins-trainer.
Global Topspeaker and motivator Ronny Leber knows numerous practical tricks and approaches to ignite the enthusiasm in his audience, even in workforces, like in international corporate groups. The 5-star speaker already inspired more than 3 million people and created “magic moments” that get under your skin and provide sustained motivation.