Sven Gabor Janszky

Keynote Speaker Future

Trend researcher, futurologist and head of the largest independent trend research institute in Europe
Future, trends, innovation
German, English

"The proper moment to shape the future is now."

Sven Gabor Janszky is Europe’s most innovative trend researcher and founder and head of 2b AHEAD ThinkTank, the largest independent trend research institute in Europe. His strategy recommendations have become the benchmark for business models of the future for companies in all industries. These projections and findings are based on more than 150 scientific studies and trend analyses, the futurologist is conducting in his institute at regular intervals.


It was with great enthusiasm, to say the least, that I listened to Sven Gábor Jánszky's presentation at the Mittelstandsforum 2019 in Tübingen. I can say without exaggeration that this was by far one of the best and most important lectures I have been privileged to hear in many years. In a time characterized by great fears and worries, this speaker was able to credibly convey that most likely everything will be fine or significantly better than now - not based on wishful thinking, but based on data. I can't stress enough how important it was to hear that.

Ingo Meier - Bankhaus C. L. Seeliger

"We had a wonderful evening at Acanto in Hannover with an "exceptional lecture" by Mr. Janszky.  Mr. Janszky fired up the synapses of the guests with his outlooks and forecasts into the future and in doing so managed to create a wonderful arc of tension on the topic: how critically do I deal with the changes of the future or how critical am I of my own attitudes towards the changes of the future and how can I perhaps change these myself in such a positive way that the changes are not perceived as a threat but as a relief. Wonderful!"

Carmen Wedell - CORDES & GRAEFE KG / Strategischer Einkauf

"Keynote speaker and futurologist Sven Gábor Jánszky took our audience on an exciting journey into the next decades and showed how real-time data, artificial intelligence and reliable forecasts will change lives and industries."

Christian Pusch - Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Stefan Conrads / Rechtsanwalt

"Sven Janzsky stands out from the crowd of futurologists and "digital natives" in a positive sense. Unlike many others who portray the rapid technical development either only as a horror scenario or only positively, Mr. Janzsky sketches a differentiated picture and convinces his audience to see the development primarily as an opportunity and to help shape it proactively. I will also get his book. As a result, a speaker who really deserves 5 stars."

lectures by Sven Gabor Janszky

My son, the cyborg - how technology makes humans more human

In this presentation, Sven Gabor Janszky - Germany’s most innovative futurologist - does away with one of the most widespread misunderstandings of our times: Supposedly, technology is cold and inhuman. And artificial intelligence will degrade humans to the second most intelligent species and therefore lead to the apocalypse. None of which is true, says Sven Gabor Janszky. With charm and lots of verve, the Chairman of the 2b AHEAD ThinkTank explains how today’s development is part of normal human evolution. Yes, computers will be more intelligent than humans. And yes, this will happen smack in the middle of our children’s lifetime, probably around 2050 – this is how the renowned expert on the future starts out on his journey through time and into the future.

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2035: How much human tolerates the future?

Digitalisation and automation precede rapidly. Janszky shows a future in which we will live better, healthier and longer, despite those developments – but only if we start to engage. All great and huge promises will become true if we would finally accept that computers are much better in certain subjects than us humans, says Janszky. The general public must lose its fear of data protection to use the benefits of intelligent systems like Big Data and Artificial Intelligence.

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working worlds in 2035

Sven Gábor Jánszky presents a part of „Working Worlds in 2030“, the scenario of the future by 2b AHEAD ThinkTank. This cross-industry scenario describes an imaginary day in a person’s life in the year 2035. Every year, 200 preselected managers and industry leaders develop this scenario at the Convention on the Future of „Germany’s most innovative think tank“.

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The power of megatrends - strategies for the future

When a small idea becomes a megatrend. Germany’s most innovative futurologist Sven Gabor Janszky takes his audience along to the origins of innovation which will change our society and economy in the following years. In his fascinating lecture the Global Topspeaker explains, how fast megatrends develop and how companies identify megatrends precocious and how to use them for their competitive advantage.

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Disrupt! The spirit of silicon valley

There is one place in the world that by now determines our life and work like no other: The Silicon Valley. At a breakneck speed, it pushes its innovations and its spirit of disruption into the whole world. Therefore, it’s no wonder that many of the world’s leading companies from Google and Apple to Amazon and Facebook and on to Tesla, Uber and Arbnb are located in the Silicon Valley. 

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Living environments in 2030

Sven Gábor Jánszky presents part of the future scenario „Living environments in 2030“ by the 2b AHEAD ThinkTank.

This cross-industry scenario describes an imaginary day in a person’s life in the year 2030. Every year, 200 preselected managers and industry leaders develop this scenario at the Future Congress of „Germany’s most innovative think tank“.

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How our values will change in business and society

Management meets value-based future

In his keynote, Global Topspeaker and trend researcher Sven Gábor Jánszky turns the public discussion on the loss of values upside down: Those who mourn the loss of good old values share a misconception that is dangerous to your company and to our country as well! The apocalyptic loss of values among young people does not exist – all the same there is a profound change in values that managers need to recognize and then shape.

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IT 3.0: From intelligent clouds to the operating system of our life

For Global Topspeaker and trend researcher Sven Gábor Jánszky, the hype about cloud computing is only the beginning. After the Cloud comes IT 3.0! And this is when the intelligence of smart prognostic will move into the Cloud. It will bring about the most significant conquest of markets of our time.The world's first commercial quantum computer project is now a reality, paving the way for a new era of information processing.

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Rule Breaker: how people think whose ideas change the world

The head strategist and leader of the 2b AHEAD ThinkTank, Sven Gábor Jánszky, lets you plunge into the stories behind the most interesting breaches of rules of our time. He takes you on a fascinating journey he himself has experienced in the past two years. For two years, Sven Gábor Jánszky travelled all over Germany to meet the most important rule breakers of the German business world. First, he observed them and later on, he talked openly with them about their lives and strategies.

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No other speaker in Europe has given more lectures on the future in the past years than Sven Gabor Janszky. And no other brings the future on stage with such enthusiasm and in such a captivating way – the fascinating mixture of science fiction and strategy turn the presentations of futurologist Sven Gabor Janszky into a unique experience.

The Global Topspeaker convincingly presents future scenarios, clearly illustrates their impact on the living and working worlds in the coming ten years, gives solid instructions for action and thus inspires his audience to take shaping the future into their own hands.

The entrepreneur and trend researcher Sven Gabor Janszky is a remarkable visionary. As the author of exciting books on future trends such as „2025 – How we’ll work in the future“ and “2020 – How we’ll live in the future“ or the book on management strategy „Rule breaker – How people think whose ideas change the world”, Sven Gabor Janszky became the voice of lateral thinkers and disruptive innovators in the German business world.

Together with the heads of innovation and other lateral thinkers from more than 250 of the most important international companies, the trend researcher analyses current developments and future trends at the 2b AHEAD ThinkTank’s annual future congress and designs the prospective living and business worlds for Europe in the coming decade.

With 600 keynotes, the number one trend researcher Sven Gabor Janszky has already inspired more than 180,000 people all over the world. Janszky is on the supervisory board of the Karlshochschule International University, he is a member of the advisory board of Management Circle AG and the president of the Rulebreaker Agency that specialises in disruptive innovations.

At the age of 23, the trained journalist became ARD’s (the consortium of public broadcasters in Germany) youngest head of news and nowadays is in Germany’s business media every second day himself. Sven Gabor Janszky has climbed Mount Kilimanjaro three times and so far, has participated in 19 marathons. For his extraordinary achievements outside the speakers’ scene on the occasion of a charity project by Round Table, he received the Global Topspeakers’ award in the category „Special Award“ in 2012.

Keynote Speaker Sven Gabor Janszky

News, Presse und Blog

Futurologist Janszky goes „backstage“ at Chinese Tech-Giants

There is every indication that China will become the leader in the world economy. Even today a lot of technologies and business models are developed in China which influence our day to day life. The ongoing trade conflict between China and the U.S. is one of the many signs that the world trade order is going to change. That’s why it is important to not only watch the Silicon Valley but also the economic centre Shenzhen and Shanghai.

Zur Newsmeldung

Food and Shopping: Trend analysis from futurologist Sven Gabor Janszky

In early May everyone talked about the incredible flotation of “Beyond Meat”. The Start Up produces meat, especially for burgers, out of soja- and pea-proteins. The starting valuation of 1.5 billion US-Dollar was incredible, however the Start Up managed to outweigh itself in only a few hours. The valuation rose to 5 billion US-Dollar and caused speechlessness in the whole food industry.

Zur Newsmeldung

„2029 – Intelligence first! “Janszky invites again to future-congress

For the 18th time the future-congress of 2bAHEAD ThinkTank takes place in Wolfsburg on 4th and 5th of June 2019. Because of the invitation of Europe’s most innovative futurologist and Global Topspeaker Sven Gabor Janszky, 300 CEO’s or innovative leaders from different industries will meet in Wolfsburg to discuss the subject of intelligence.

Zur Newsmeldung

Two new videos show Sven Gabor Janszky on the speaker´s platform

As a Global Topspeaker and keynote speaker, Germany’s most famous futurologist Sven Gabor Janszky is on the move a lot. With his fascinating knowledge of the future, he inspires audiences at all kinds of events. Now, two new videos give an even better impression of his performance on stage. On the Global Topspeakers‘ YouTube Channel, you may follow the presentation given on the occasion of the “Bundeskonferenz der Wirtschaftsjunioren” (the National Conference of the Junior Chamber International Germany) as well as the presentation at the Sparkasse Ingolstadt (Ingolstadt Savings Bank) – unabridged and full-length.

Zur Newsmeldung

2b AHEAD ThinkTank with a new prediction on tourism

Recently, the new book „2030 – Wie viel Mensch verträgt die Zukunft“ (How much „human“ can the future take“) by 2b AHEAD ThinkTank was published. In it Sven Gabor Janszky, Global Topspeaker, chairman of Europe’s largest future research institute and president of the Rulebreaker® Society describes how – in the year 2030 – space tourism will develop and get off the ground in the premium range of the “all and sundry” sector. This topic no longer is a utopia as private companies such as SpaceX by Elon Musk are slowly conquering space and the first space tourist on the flight around the moon is making headlines as well.

Zur Newsmeldung


The future of artificial intelligence is already being created in China today. Germany, Europe or the US will soon lose their supremacy in the trendsetting technologies of the future. Futurologist and Global Topspeaker Sven Gabor Janszky is convinced of that. Twenty innovators will see proof of this on a trip to the Chinese metropolises Shenzhen, Shanghai and Beijing. From October 28th to November 2nd, Sven Gabor Janszky - together with his fellow travellers - is going to visit start-ups and incubators of the Chinese AI scene.

Zur Newsmeldung

Futurologist Sven Gabor Janszky pushes blockchain technology

Recently, Sven Gabor Janszky, founder of Europe’s largest trend research institute 2b AHEAD ThinkTank and Global Topspeaker, has announced to set up two powerful teams for the programming of blockchains and quantum computers. These specialist crews will then from the core for setting up start-ups and advising companies in this field. The Global Topspeaker is convinced that these two future technologies will revolutionise every industry in the coming years.

Zur Newsmeldung

Futurologist Sven Gabor Janszky: An impressive portfolio

Just published: The elaborately designed Speaker’s brochure by Europe’s most innovative futurologist Sven Gabor Janszky. The Global Topspeaker is the founder and head of Europe’s largest future research institute, 2b AHEAD ThinkTank. The new brochure gives impressive facts on the enthusiastic futurologist. Numerous illustrations clearly and concisely visualise valuable information.

Zur Newsmeldung

17th Future Congress on: „How much human can the future take?”

Like never before in history, mankind is currently experiencing giant leaps in technology. The combination of evolution, transformation and technological development provides people with unprecedented benefits that improve their lives. It is the motor for a development with unbelievable opportunities. Against this backdrop, the 17th Future Congress – hosted by Global Topspeaker Sven Gabor Janszky, the head of Europe’s largest independent future institute 2b AHEAD ThinkTank – will take place in Wolfsburg from June 19 to June 20, 2018. 

Zur Newsmeldung

Opportunity for start-ups: 2b AHEAD Ventures Founders Event 1.0

At the recent 2b AHEAD Ventures Founders Event 1.0 in Leipzig (Germany), young entrepreneurs with pioneering spirit had the opportunity to reshape their own commercial future. The event addressed motivated, courageous and determined students, graduates and potential university dropouts. Moreover, the event consciously reached out to young people who are dissatisfied with their current job or whose first start-up failed.

Zur Newsmeldung

Famous around the world: International success for Global Topspeakers

Whether it’s lecture events on speaker’s platforms all over the world or multi-lingual translations of their successful books – the Global Topspeakers are well-known and suc-cessful far beyond the borders of Germany as well. Consequently, they often travel miles and miles and gain unique international expertise as speakers and authors. 

Zur Newsmeldung

Trend researcher Sven Gabor Janszky with new speech “Mobility in 2025”

How will the „mobility of the future“ look like? … if it is based on the all-encompassing, digital operating system, which is currently being developed by the various manufacturers and suppliers? Will autonomous driving then become normal? In his fascinating presentation, trend researcher Sven Gábor Jánszky takes you along to the visions of global mobility masterminds: less accidents, less traffic jams, decreasing maximum but increasing average speed and elimination of the cause of failure “human being“. Intelligent driving systems and self-driving cars, taxis and tramways will change traffic dramatically – possibly making it faster and safer – but will also present society, business, insurance companies and politics with new challenges. 

Zur Newsmeldung

Trend researcher Sven Gábor Jánszky publishes new trend study

„The omni-channel management of the future: How financial service providers make their dialogue with corporate customers fit for the future”, this is the title of the new trend study our Global Top Speaker and trend researcher Sven Gábor Jánszky published in March. The trend researcher and guest speaker on the subject of the future regularly analyses current developments and future trends. 

Zur Newsmeldung

Sven Gabor Janszky publishes new trend analysis on data privacy

Due to the new General Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO) by the EU, data privacy is a much discussed subject at the moment. One, who makes a – at first glance – highly provocative statement on this, is Global Topspeaker Sven Gabor Janszky. The well-known and renowned futurologist says: „At the moment of its coming into force, the new law is already outdated.“ Now, he is substantiating this thesis with his recently published trend analysis: „The last stand: Will data privacy become antisocial in the future?”. In his new keynote of the same title, Janszky gives astounding insights into the future of data privacy.

Zur Newsmeldung

Top Speaker Janszkys visions: „How the cloud will change our lives“

The well-known Global Top Speaker and founder of the 2b AHEAD ThinkTank Sven Gabor Janszky presents his long-awaited new lecture: „Looking beyond - How the cloud will change our lives" describes an imaginary day in the life of a human being in the year 2023. The scenario is developed annually by 200 managers and industry heads at the Future Congress of the “most innovative think tank of Germany”.

Zur Newsmeldung

Keynote speakers search with success at the Global Topspeakers agency

The choice is huge: If you look at Google for "Keynote Speaker", the search engine finds millions of international pages in a few seconds. In this jungle of information, it is not easy to find the right motivational speaker for an event.

“First, you should clarify some key points for yourself“, advises Heinrich Kürzeder, CEO of the international speakers agency Global Topspeakers.

Zur Newsmeldung

Global Topspeakers Awards 2012

As every year we awarded our most successful speakers at our annual Christmas Celebration on December 15th. The following speakers received their well deserved rewards based on the decision of a panel of experts:

Zur Newsmeldung

Sven Gabor Janszky’s opinion polarizes

Giving thought-provoking impulses through an inconvenient point of view. That’s what differs pioneers, entrepreneurs and pulse pacersetters, who are part of the Rulebreaker Society. Their president und Co-founder, Europe’s most innovative futurologist and Global Topspeaker Sven Gabor Janszky, polarizes with his opinion on climate change and humanity.

Zur Newsmeldung

EXTENDED 4.0 – 5 Sterne Redner magazine goes into round four

After three successful issues of the magazine “extended – Wissen begeister” the high-quality magazine convinces in 2019 with articles of well-known Keynote Speakers. The authors of this years extended are top speakers like futurologist Sven Gabor Janszky, fitness expert Patric Heizmann, Changemaker Ilja Grzeskowitz, Best-Ager expert Alexander Wild, motivational trainer Steve Kroeger and professional sailor Dominik Neidhart.

Zur Newsmeldung

New trend analysis from 2b AHEAD: The future of work

Futurology deals with a wide range of topics from mobility and food to the politics of the future. However, the subject area “The future of work” is most in demand. Because the changes in the working world are enormous, the times of mass unemployment a relict of the past and the mostly fear-driven discussions revolve around conflicting topics such as the lack of skilled workers and the fear of losing one’s job. Sven Gabor Janszky, futurologist and chairman of the “2b AHEAD ThinkTank”, addresses this ambivalence in his latest trend analysis “The future of work: strategies for a world of full employment”.

Zur Newsmeldung

How do megatrends develop? Sven Gabor Janszky knows the answer

They have a global effect and affect all different economic sectors: megatrends. Yet those sudden and extensive trends must have a certain origin. Being Germany’s most famous futurologist Sven Gabor Janszky knows how megatrends develop. The Global Topspeaker visits the most innovative hotspots in the world on a regular basis and knows, which inventions become a megatrend in the end.

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Personal. Reliable. Emotional. With these three attributes, the new slogan of the Global Topspeakers Agency gets to the heart of what the renowned speakers agency has been standing for since its founding in 2010. Cooperation is characterised by focusing on humanity – either internally among the team’s employees or with regard to the procurement of their speakers and the support of their customers who are looking for the right speaker for their individual event. As this attitude is put into practice every day, the Global Topspeakers Agency now ranks among the top agencies in all of Europe and is present on the international speakers’ platforms.

Zur Pressemitteilung

When do you need a speaker? 10 great occasions for a lecture

A good lecture helps to ensure that an event stays in mind and leaves a lasting impression. In this respect, the speakers of the Global Topspeakers Agency are a true asset for a large variety of events since they are versatile and always adapt their presentations to the respective occasion and audience. No matter whether employees, customers, sales partners, executives or guests - the speakers convey information in an entertaining manner and provide inspiration on a wide range of topics. For the ten occasions listed below, a fascinating speaker therefore is a real gain.

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Sven Gabor Janszky started fascinating 2b AHEAD long-term study

What will the future look like for children born today? This is the question, Global Topspeaker Sven Gabor Janszky and his colleagues from 2b AHEAD ThinkTank are currently dealing with. The renowned trend research institute now has published the first results of a new long-term study that was started last year. The corresponding podcast shows fascinating scenarios of the future and Sven Gabor Janszky has thus set up an ambitious and unique project in world-wide trend research.

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Future Congress 2018: A chip will turn S. Gabor Janszky into a cyborg

This Global Topspeaker performance will get under your skin: Futurologist Sven Gabor Janszky will use this year’s 2b AHEAD Future Congress as an opportunity to have an intelligent chip implanted under his skin– live and in front of the audience. The technology programmed in the chip can then, for instance, replace a key or a wallet. And thanks to its smart features, it can also learn additional functions. Is this the first step into a world full of cyborgs, then?

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Futurologist Sven G. Janszky chairs the 16th Future Congress

At this year’s Future Congress, it’s all about the Predictive Enterprises that will fundamentally change politics, economics and society within the next ten years. The two Global Topspeakers and founders of the 2b AHEAD Think Tank, Sven Gabor Janszky and Michael Carl, have put together a varied and inspiring programme on this topic. The event, hosted by Germany’s largest future research institute, takes place for the 16th time this year and provides – as in the preceding years – innovative inspiration and fascinating glimpses into the future. And what’s more, in the Future Lodge you can even experience the technologies of the future life. 

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Futurologist Sven Gábor Jánszky: trend climate in Germany is improving

For the 15th time now, the 2b AHEAD Future Congress by futurologist and Global Topspeaker Sven Gábor Jánszky, brought together good speakers, innovators from leading companies (among others BMW, Porsche, KPMG, Siemens) and great visionaries in Wolfsburg. Under this years motto „Fast Forward 2026: Thinking faster – Deciding faster – Acting faster! How the new speed changes our customers, products and processes“, ideas that will change the world were discussed. On this occasion, Michael Carl, Global Topspeaker and Director Innovation Management & Consulting for 2b AHEAD ThinkTank, also presented the long-term study on the trend climate in the economy by Germany’s largest institute for futurology. 

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Zukunft, die unter die Haut geht

Die Tiroler Tageszeitung hat einen Artikel über Zukunftsforscher Sven Gabor Janszky veröffentlicht.

Mensch und Technik: Zukunftsvisionen, die unter die Haut gehen

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Sven Gabor Janszky zum "Tatort": Können Roboter Menschen ermorden?

Der Hessische Rundfunk hat einen Artikel über 5 Sterne Redner Sven Gabor Janszky veröffentlicht:

Können Roboter Menschen ermorden?

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Driverless Car: Die Zukunft des Automobils

Das Magazin AUTOMOBIL PRODUKTION hat einen Artikel über 5 Sterne Redner Sven Gabor Janszky veröffentlicht:

Nur adaptive Konzepte zukunftsfähig

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"Simply wanting to sell products online is not enough"

The Executive Meeting Journal announced a report and an interview with trendscout and Global Top Speaker Sven Gabor Janszky: "Simply wanting to sell products online is not enough".

Read an insight in the wording:

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2022 – So leben wir in der Zukunft

Auf Einladung von Sven Gabor Janszky, Direktor des 2b Ahead Think Tanks, entwickeln seit  zehn Jahren 300 CEO und Innovationsköpfe der deutschen Wirtschaft ein Zukunftsszenario des Lebens in 10 Jahren. Die hierbei erstellten Prognosen sind für die Strategieplanungen verschiedenster Branchen ausschlaggebend. 

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Lebenswelten 2020... und die Zukunftsmodelle der Textilbranche

Sven Gabor Janszky gilt als der derzeit innovativste Zukunftsforscher in Deutschland. Der Diplom-Journalist mit Lehraufträgen an mehreren Universitäten, Schulen und Instituten ist Leiter des kreativen 2b AHEAD-ThinkTank.

Wie sieht die Zukunft der Textilbranche aus? Antwort auf genau diese Frage gibt der 5 Sterne Redner in seinem Fachartikel für Südwesttext, der Zeitung des Südwesttextil e.V. Der Leser bekommt einen Einblick, wie sich der Alltag im Jahr 2020 gestalten wird und gleichzeitig gibt der Autor Handlungsempfehlungen für die Branche.Erfahren Sie von Sven Gabor Janszky, wie Sie auch zukünftig im Textilbereich erfolgreich sein können!

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New 2b AHEAD Trend Study: Human Digital Teams

Artificial Intelligence will not take jobs away from us, rather it will take monotonous tasks from us. The latest trend study by the 2b AHEAD Think Tank, the futurology institute of our Global Topspeaker and futurologist Sven Gabor Janszky, shows what influence AI will have on the cooperation between man and machine until 2030 – in companies but also in the immediate environment.

Zur Newsmeldung

Take off with the Rulebreaker Experience from Sven Gabor Janszky

Do you want to understand how technology drives the world? Then you should not believe everything you read in the newspapers. Futurologist Sven Gabor Janszky, president of the RULEBREAKER®-Society and Chairman of the 2b AHEAD ThinkTank, invites you in 2020 to really get to know the hotspot of innovation.

Zur Newsmeldung

New trendsetting website of Global Topspeaker Sven Gabor Janszky

Impressive, excellent and awarded. The lectures of futurologist Sven Gabor Janszky are inspiring and have now found a place on his new website. The contents of the website also fascinate in the new design: Whether in “Living 2030”, “My son the Cyborg” or “IT 4.0”, futurologist Janszky takes you on a fascinating journey through time in his lectures and conveys the decisive strategies for the future.

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Sven Gabor Janszky’s HR strategy book wins award

Just in time for the beginning of the year, futurologist and Global Topspeaker Sven Gabor Janszky has received a great surprise: His successful HR strategy book against the shortage of skilled workers, “The Recruiting Dilemma”, has received an award from Studydrive. The book by the futurologist was able to prevail against strong competition and can therefore call itself “Studydrive Top HR Book” in the Recruiting category.

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Sven Gabor Janszky at the 4th Executive Rulebreaker ® Days

"Why your business needs to learn to forget" and "How to reset strategies become a key innovation factor" were the themes of the Executive Rulebreaker ® Days, which werde held near Zurich on the 17th and 18th September 2012.

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