Lectures, keynotes, keynote speeches
Motivation & Success

You want to tackle new challenges with keen interest and great dedication? Then show yourself and all others what you are made of. In the lectures of our motivational experts you will learn how to tease unknown skills from your inner self. You will be surprised by what you can do – and a little effort often is a big step towards more will power and motivation.

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News, Press and Blog

The issue of women in motorsports

Mercedes Benz has published an interview with Global Topspeaker Ellen Lohr:

In the fast lane

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Countdown to Norman Gräters mega-event at Porsche-Arena started

Global Topspeaker Norman Gräter decided to go big. As a birthday present to himself the international Keynote Speaker decided to fill the Porsche Arena in Stuttgart. The event is called “Don’t stop believin’ – Mein Weg zu 2020”. Gräter worked with well-known individuals like David Garrett, Anastacia, Nobelist Bishop…

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Welcome to Global Topspeakers, Norman Gräter

Global Topspeakers gladly informs: Inspirer and Double European Champion in Public Speaking Norman Gräter is joining the international speaker group.  Global Top Speaker Norman Gräter relies on inspiration as the basis for any individual’s personal and professional development. People sitting in his audience experience…

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