Keynote speakers
Change Experts

Dealing with the challenge of change with confidence: Dealing with change is critical to success. Our change experts have leveraged change in business and personal contexts and emerged from change-filled times stronger, more successful and more satisfied. Companies in all industries need to be resilient and agile in dealing with change, prepare teams flexibly for change, and train your employees how to handle change with confidence while recognizing the benefits of change. Our change experts provide support with their presentations and set the necessary impulses.

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To the speakers on topic Change Experts

News, Press and Blog

Highest speakers’ award for Boris Nikolai Konrad and Ilja Grzeskowitz

It is considered to be the ultimate accolade in the speaking profession – and as many as two Germans have now been honoured with it: Memory Trainer Dr. Boris Nikolai Konrad as well as Change Expert Ilja Grzeskowitz - both from the renowned Global Topspeakers Agency –have been awarded the Certified Speaking Professional…

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Ilja Grzeskowitz presents his new book on US television

A huge success for Global Top Speaker Ilja Grzeskowitz – the change expert no. 1 delivered a brilliant performance on the occasion of his big TV appearance in the USA. During the 15-plus minute interview on „Bestseller TV“, he informed the audience about his latest book recently released on the US market. „Think it. Do…

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Rock your Business: Inspiration and Networking for Entrepreneurs

Do not miss this great opportunity to join four of Germany’s best Keynote Speakers on memory training, change, performance and sales at the Rationaltheater in Munich on June 15th. Look forward to:

• Four global keynote speakers, visionaries and experts in their fields

• Four motivating presentations full of new ideas…

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Global Topspeaker Ilja Grzeskowitz presents the Change Award 2016

On October 12, 2016, the expert on change Ilja Grzeskowitz will present the Change Award 2016 at the Quatsch Comedy Club in Berlin. At the occasion of this popular award show, the audience can look forward to a sensational programm of keynote speakers:

• The well-known entrepreneur and speaker Monika Scheddin

• The…

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Change Expert Ilja Grzeskowitz presents new book in the US

Global Topspeaker Ilja Grzeskowitz does not only write about doing things, he actually does them! In March he will personally introduce his book „Think it. Do it. Change it. – How to dream big, act bold and get the results that you want.“ during a promotion tour in the US. The book has very recently been published with…

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