Keynote speakers
Health & Nutrition Experts

Health is not a matter of course, rather the result of a conscious way of living. The right diet and enough movement is decisive for a healthy body. Our speakers on the topic of health create a positive body image and support companies to sensitize their employees and customers for the topic of health and show how to implement health practice-measurements into the daily routine.

Experience the motivating lectures of our speakers on the topic of health and diet. Thereby you lower your sickness figures in your company, you strengthen your healthcare-policy and support your employees by becoming healthier, fitter and efficient.

If you would like to book a speaker, please call us or send us an email!

To the speakers on topic Health & Nutrition Experts

News, Press and Blog

Global Topspeakers excited about speaker awards 2015

The speaker agency Global Topspeakers awards their most excellent speakers in 2015. The jury, consisting of five professional experts in their field, elected the awardees of the devoutly desired trophies in the speaker department.

Go to the news release

Beat the stress: Speaker Brigitte Bösenkopf tells you how

The englisch profile with all information about Global Topspeaker Brigitte Bösenkopf, an well known expert in stress management and burnout prophylaxis, can now be found on Global Topspeakers Website.

Go to the news release