Keynote speakers

In der heutigen Gesellschaft gibt es viele verschiedene Konzepte und Modelle zur Lebensplanung. Und mittlerweile ist der Wunsch nach Erfolg im Berufsleben und Selbstbestimmung in allen Lebenslagen schon lange keine Gender-Frage mehr. In dieser emanzipierten Welt kann man viel von starken weiblichen Persönlichkeiten und unseren Rednerinnen lernen – egal, ob als Mann oder Frau.

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To the speakers on topic Rednerinnen

News, Press and Blog

The issue of women in motorsports

Mercedes Benz has published an interview with Global Topspeaker Ellen Lohr:

In the fast lane

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Driving on: Tina Thörner's projects after her rally career

The Swedish Magazin NWT has published an article about Global Topspeaker Tina Thörner:

Tina Thörner selects new roads

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Global Topspeakers excited about speaker awards 2015

The speaker agency Global Topspeakers awards their most excellent speakers in 2015. The jury, consisting of five professional experts in their field, elected the awardees of the devoutly desired trophies in the speaker department.

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Keynote speakers search with success at the Global Topspeakers agency

The choice is huge: If you look at Google for "Keynote Speaker", the search engine finds millions of international pages in a few seconds. In this jungle of information, it is not easy to find the right motivational speaker for an event.

“First, you should clarify some key points for yourself“, advises Heinrich…

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Beat the stress: Speaker Brigitte Bösenkopf tells you how

The englisch profile with all information about Global Topspeaker Brigitte Bösenkopf, an well known expert in stress management and burnout prophylaxis, can now be found on Global Topspeakers Website.

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