First globally published book by GABAL author and Global Topspeaker

Erstes weltweites Buch von GABAL-Autor und 5 Sterne Redner Steve Kroeger

Steve Kroeger – Global Topspeaker and motivational coach – has done it! His book “The 7 Summits Strategy”, published by GABAL publishing, was released in eleven countries and in three languages. This is a remarkable feat in view of the fact that Anglo-American publishing houses only publish and launch German books under licence by way of exception.

GABAL based in Offenbach (Germany) is one of the most renowned publishing houses for economic works in the German-speaking region. Numerous authors of non-fiction and specialist books such as the extreme athlete Steve Kroeger successfully work with GABAL. 

Apart from German-speaking writers, GABAL also publishes English-speaking authors and speakers in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. However, for the publishing house as well this is the first book to be released in the US.

For GABAL and the likeable Global Topspeaker Steve Kroeger, this outstanding event is a beacon project with great appeal. Invariably, every speaker and writer wishes for his or her book to be published on the US-American market. With his book “The 7 Summits Strategy”, Global Top Speaker and alpinist Steve Kroeger now not only climbs the highest summits of the continents with his motivational strategy but also the bookshelves of Europe, the US and Asia.

GABAL’s, Steve Kroeger’s and the Global Topspeaker Team’s success demonstrates the enormous significance of the topic „7 Summits Strategy“ for management, leadership and teams – all over the world.