Global Top Speaker Dr. Boris Nikolai Konrad
It is only recently that Boris has become a „Dr. phil.“. He completed his doctoral degree in psychology at the renowned Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich and graduated “magna cum laude” – an outstanding feat. The memory expert already defended his doctoral thesis in January and now that all formal steps have been completed, is entitled to use his PhD officially.
The title of his dissertation is "Characteristics and Neuronal Correlates of Superior Memory Performance". On the way to his doctoral degree he conducted three studies in which he evaluated some of the world’s best memory athletes by means of psychological tests, magnetic resonance tomographies as well as sleep EEGs, also taught memory techniques to healthy probands and evaluated their progress over a six week training period and in addition assessed the influenceability of memory processes by means of memory techniques during sleep.
Lecturer Konrad has already presented his studies at leading symposiums such as the "International Conference on Memory" and received student grants by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft. Presently, the Keynote Speaker continues his research as a postdoc at the Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging in Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
Aside from his research, the memory expert is also still available for his inspiring lectures, of course.
The Global Top Speaker Team most cordially congratulates on the academic title „Dr. phil.“!