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Startup Forever

Startup Forever

By Sahar Hashemi
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  • How can we grow big but act small?
  • How can we encourage innovative thinking?
  • As we face disruptive change, how can we be more agile?
  • More resilient?
  • Less stuck in our ways?
  • How can I get my people to think out of the box?

Those are only a few examples of questions Sahar Hashemi answers in her newest book “Startup Forever”.

She divided her answers and solutions into ten shifts, which she discovered through her own entrepreneur journey. They are simple and applied easily to approach everyday work with an entrepreneurial mind-set. Sahar Hashemi manages to underline her own experiences in a humorous but at the same time passionate way. This book shows what big companies should learn from Startups!


Sahar Hashemi, a former lawyer, founded Coffee Republic together with her brother. The UK’s first coffee bar chain in US style evolved into one of the UK’s most known high street brands with a turnover of £30m. Coffee Republic became one of the first players in the ‘coffee revolution’ that converted the UK high street. Go to profile