Sven Gabor Janszky at the 4th Executive Rulebreaker ® Days

"Warum Ihr Unternehmen das Vergessen lernen muss” und „Wie Reset-Strategien zum wichtigsten Innovationsfaktor werden“, das war das Thema der Executive Rulebreaker® Days mit Sven G. Janszky und Sabrina Kürzeder

"Why your business needs to learn to forget" and "How to reset strategies become a key innovation factor" were the themes of the Executive Rulebreaker ® Days, which werde held near Zurich on the 17th and 18th September 2012.

In the particularly historic atmosphere of the over 800 year old moated castle Hallwyl, Sven Gabor Janszky, one of the famous Global Topspeakers, the most innovative trend analyst in Germany and author of the book Rulebreaker® has shown how to conquer markets by breaking rules.

Sabrina Kürzeder from the German 5 star team was also there and was infected by Janszkys strategies and his desire for change: "The event was a great experience for me. I was able to talk with many interesting participants and make new contacts. I especially liked the exclusive location, Hallwyl is really worth a visit." 

Every year entrepreneurs, CEOs join the Executive Rulebreaker ® Days to talk about innovation and brand strategies, design a future scenario for the life in ten years and discuss the business models of the future. 

This time the participamnts analyzed implementing strategies for new markets. They came to the conclusion that in a world of ever-present reminder displacing old habits is the basic requirement for strong innovation. 

Companies must learn to forget! Those, who do not forget fast enough risk that the rules of old systems are gaining too much importance. In industries that are faced with the dynamics of new technologies and business models, this behaviour can be deadly for companies. 

Many of the participants showed practical examples, how they broke rules in their particular markets and have earned millions by being different to their competitors.