Boris N. Konrad – Once again World Champion in memorizing names
The memory trainer competed in the 22. World Memory Championship in Croydon, UK, in order to defend his championship title. With a result of 106 correctly remembered names in 15 minutes, he succeeded perfectly well in achieving his goal. A particular challenge was the fact that the names to be memorized were international names, used world-wide, and thus were particularly difficult to remember and required a much more complex memorization process.
The German team – headed by the President of the MemoryXL Association, Boris Nikolai Konrad – became Team World Champion as well, outranking Sweden and Mongolia!
In the overall ranking of all disciplines combined, the memory trainer and guest speaker Boris Nikolai Konrad came in 6th. A total of 130 memory athletes from 32 countries competed in the Championship.
Those who want to train their brain like the new World Champion can do so with the help of his current book „Superhirn – Gedächtnistraining mit einem Weltmeister“ (Superbrain – memory training with a World Champion).
The Global Topspeaker Team congratulates Boris and the German team most cordially on their extraordinary achievements!