5 Sterne Redner

Chris Harris joins the Global Topspeakers Team

Great news for Global Topspeakers: Public Relations Specialist and Motivational Speaker Chris Harris recently joined our Group of Speakers. Chris Harris long ago mastered the need to reach the emotional level in conveying a message when having to deal with the American and Foreign press. For more than four decades, Chris Harris has captured the imagination of the press and the public when he was invited into the Zodiac Killings in Northern California.

Through lectures across America in the late 1980’s Harris changed the way we promote a product or service proving that publicity was far more effective than advertising. Chris Harris begins each lecture with a motivational outreach to the audience. He believes that taking an interest in life and allowing our imaginations to travel, we can live a more fulfilling life. He has the ability to inspire and to make the individual feel as if they are part of the story he is telling.

When Harris is speaking, he likes to stroll across the stage and into the audience, in doing so he brings a very personal touch to his story. Furthermore, he always has a microphone available in case a member of the audience wants to say something. A great and inspiring keynote speaker, who does not place himself above his audience when he is delivering a speech!

Global Topspeakers warmly welcomes this amazing and outstanding speaker.