„Family Reunion“: 5 Sterne Redner at the NSA convention
On „Celebrity Sunday“ Bernhard Wolff received enthusiastic praise for his opening keynote "Think Backwards - Move Forward". He definitely earned the standing ovation he got and was the “buzz” and talk oft this convention day.
5 Sterne Redner Ilja Grzeskowitz served as trend scout, conducted several interviews and gathered new ideas for his motivating keynotes on the subject of change. Another participant in Washington was 5 Sterne Redner Markus Hofmann.
More than 1.600 participants from all over the world met on the occasion of the NSA Convention in Washington D.C. The NSA Convention takes place once a year and is the ideal place to hear inspiring keynote speeches, to attend interesting workshops and to intensely network with speaker colleagues. The next NSA convention will take place from July 23 – 26, 2016 in Phoenix.
Photo: Keynote Speaker Ilja Grzeskowitz, Sylvie di Giusto und Bernhard Wolff met in Washington.