Countdown to Norman Gräters mega-event at Porsche-Arena started

Global Topspeaker Norman Gräter decided to go big. As a birthday present to himself the international Keynote Speaker decided to fill the Porsche Arena in Stuttgart. The event is called “Don’t stop believin’ – Mein Weg zu 2020”. Gräter worked with well-known individuals like David Garrett, Anastacia, Nobelist Bishop Desmond Tutu, the Blue Man Group, the Circque Du Soleil and former chancellor Gerhard Schröder. He is two-time European champion in public speaking, which is the highest credit for Keynote Speakers presenting in German language.

Gräter is known as an incredible motivator und inspires in subjects like leading and success. Already, he astonished hundred thousand of people. His lectures are a mixture of information, motivation, magic and entertainment. Six years ago, the Global Topspeaker came up with an idea for the huge project “Don’t stop believing – Mein Weg zu 2020”. At this event Norman Gräter will be presenting his highs and lows during his project and change the audiences point of view sustainably.

The Global Topspeaker is convinced, through his experiences and talks with many celebrities like Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger or Pamela Anderson, that everyone is able to achieve their personal goals in life and gain contentment. The kick-off for the 365 days long countdown to his project “Don’t stop believin’ – Mein Weg zu 2020” started at the 24th of March in the music pavillon at the Stuttgarter Schlossplatz. Normen Gräter presented a lecture under the subject of “The chances for Stuttgart”.