Norman Gräter
“The future will arrive – change yourself or you will be changed”
lectures by Norman Gräter
Norman Gräter had been working for 24 years at Würth Group, including 16 years in the position as team leader in event management. Then he decided to become known as a keynote speaker and coach at global level. His intention was more than obvious:
In the course of those more than 24 years, he worked with outstanding personalities such as David Garrett, Anastacia, Nobel laureate Bishop Desmond Tutu, the Blue Man Group, the artists of Cirque Du Soleil and the German former chancellor Gerhard Schröder. During his work he acquired the necessary skills how to lead and inspire people and how to achieve self-determined goals. Furthermore, he still conducts interviews with icons like Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Pamela Anderson and many others about their secrets for success and contentment in life. Eventually, Norman recognized why people keep failing their goals and what is essential in order to accomplish them with immediate effect. As a consequence he created “AnkerR”, a certain methodology described in his successful book “Titel auf Englisch vorhanden??”. His unique performance style is a mixture of information, inspiration, motivation, magic and entertainment.
What forms the basis for his present work? It evolved from his worldwide activities with more than 370.000 participants, on the occasion of more than 150 events and incentives, leading international teams and creating emotional and memorable moments. A myriad of professional trainings in the areas of motivation, presentation, communication, management, NLP, NLS, spirituality and body language have been shaping his further development to the present day. Moreover, since 2015 Norman Gräter is a notable guest lecturer at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) in Heilbronn.
With projects such as "Don´t stop believin' – My way to 2020", life coach and motivational speaker Norman Gräter aims high with his ultimate goal: selling out Stuttgart’s Porsche Arena with a capacity of 6.000 people within 6 years. He started in 2014 with a simple idea and will end up on 24 march 2020 with the main event. He invites every one of his listeners to pursue his personal path, including all ups and downs. His planned event in 2020 demonstrates perfectly that every major goal can be achieved with the necessary knowledge and the appropriate strategy.