Last Kili trip for Steve Kroeger: New paths, new goals
Steve Kroeger announced this decision on his Facebook page and was highly emotional about it. But no wonder – he had developed these two projects over the past ten years and therefore associates unforgettable experiences and encounters with them. In particular his seminar trips to Mount Kilimanjaro had been extremely successful and used to be booked solid a year in advance already.
However, in order to achieve goals with ease - as the fascinating keynote speaker Steve Kroeger conveys in his presentations on the 7 SUMMITS strategy - one must make resolute decisions. If you say YES to one thing, you have to say NO to another, explains Kroeger. For two of his favourite projects – the trip to Mount Kilimanjaro and Supporter Day – he can no longer give 100 %. Instead, Steve Kroeger will now invest all his energy and passion into his new projects.
„Quitting when at the peak. Letting go. Leaving room for something new. Something bigger”, writes the Global Topspeaker. And indeed, he really intends to undertake something big: Under the umbrella of the Steve Kroeger Unternehmensgruppe (Steve Kroeger Group of Companies), he will establish seven start-ups within the next seven years that, as a whole, will form a service package to assist every company on its way to success.
We, the Global Topspeakers’ Team, are looking forward to the new impulses of Steve who is well-known for his fresh, unusual and often crazy sounding ideas.