Motivational speaker Norman Graeter talks to Reinhold Wuerth

They both are driven by a passion for what they do: Legendary German entrepreneur Professor Dr. h.c. mult. Reinhold Wuerth exchanged ideas with Global Topspeaker Norman Graeter. The interview published in the Huffington Post Germany describes how to become and stay successful – by means of concentration, determination, tenacity, humanity and enthusiasm. Persisting in the face of setbacks, carrying on, improving and always staying on the ball.


Just like Wuerth, motivational speaker Norman Graeter is a trained businessman – and although about 50 years of life separate the two, the interview reveals that they nevertheless are similar in many respects. It’s not only the fact that both of them come from Kuenzelsau in Germany but the passionate self-evidence with which both pursue their profession – or rather their vocation. In the 1950ies, at the age of 19, Wuerth joined his parents’ bolt company and turned it into the world market leader in the trade with assembly and fastening material. Thanks to his engaging manner, Graeter is just as unique in his capacity as motivational speaker, inspirer and coach.

They both agree on the fact that success is related to the power of thought. “Goal achievement starts in the mind”, says the keynote speaker Graeter. Only if you have a goal, you will be able to make progress. This is how Professor Dr. h.c. mult. Reinhold Wuerth - who even at the age of 83 is still acting as Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Wuerth Group’s Family Trusts – made the company what it is today. Wuerth’s special corporate culture includes the appreciation and motivation of employees. Values Graeter has also internalised. His big goal for the near future is to fill the Porsche Arena in Stuttgart (Germany) as a speaker in 2020. And having chosen “Powered by Passion” as his life’s motto, he certainly has a good chance to make it happen.

An insider tip by entrepreneur Wuerth: Approach things playfully. Do not act with grim determination, be able to let go once in a while and let things run their course. A company needs to move, just like an electric train, says Wuerth. This is also what he calls his life’s work. And as it’s fun to „play” with it, you can also survive 14-hour workdays. Furthermore, you should never ignore your gut instinct either. A combination of head and gut, as a team so to speak, is the best combination for success.

The interview of Norman Graeter and Reinhold Wuerth is available here for further reading (in German).