Online lectures as alternative events during the Corona crisis
Our Global Topspeakers, such as Ilja Grzeskowitz, Stefanie Voss and Sven Gabor Janszky are recognized experts in the fields of health, change, VUCA or futurology. Therefore, as the Global Topspeaker team, we would like to contribute to further development in the corona crisis with the concentrated expert knowledge of our Global Topspeakers. Through the online presentations of our Global Topspeakers you also have the opportunity to hold your event in a new and modern setting. The online presentations this provide the right impulses in your company, without interpersonal contact and the associated risk of infection.
The first possibility offered by our Global Topspeakers are livestreams. You book one of our Global Topspeakers and the lecture will be transmitted live via internet to your, your customers and employees in your office or home office. The second possibility is a customized recorded lecture video. Our Global Topspeaker will record the presentation individually tailored to your company and make it available to you. The advantage here is the sustainability of the presentation: It can be watched at any time and used in the long term. However, the right of use is limited to your company only.
Examples of our Global Topspeakers:
- Financial advisor Marcus Renziehausen
- Change expert Ilja Grzeskowitz
- Motivator Norman Gräter
- VUCA expert Stefanie Voss
This offer is initially limited until the end of 2020, but if the corona crisis has not improved by then, we will be happy to expand our offer.
Please do not hesitate to call us if you have any questions about out offer and our Global Topspeakers. Our client advisor Michael Kürzeder will be happy to provide you with an individual rice offer by phone at 0049 09071-77035-0.