Tim Reddish

Owner and founder of timreddish.com
Motivation & inspiration, change management, team building and leadership

Vision isn`t just about site it´s about having the abilitiy to see beyond the here and now

Tim Reddish was involved in the leisure industry for over 35 years. He competed at an International level for thirteen years as a blind athlete in the pool, at three Paralympic, three World Championships and five European Championships amassing a total of twenty-two gold, eleven silver and ten bronze medals. He successfully converted his talents and experience in the pool to head up the British Disability Swim Squad. Using his expertise he set up a performance pathway and sports science programme mentoring a small team of staff to become a strong professional team way ahead of the other nations, that was the envy of the rest of the World and led the team as “Performance Director” to success, in both the Athens and Beijing Paralympic Games.


His passion for sport and influence in the International Arena led him also to taking on a voluntary role as the Chairman/President of the British Paralympic Association (2008-current) were he was head of delegation for the Paralympic team for the London 2012 and Sochi Paralympic Games 2014. He played an active role as a member of the Board for LOCOG the Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2012.

Since losing his sight at the age of 31, Tim uses his life story, and the many trials and challenges that he has overcome to be the successful businessman that he is today. This provokes an inspirational and thought provoking session. He tailors his approach for individual businesses and organisations needs in order to inspire people of all levels to maximise their potential and achieve greater success.

Global Top Speaker Tim Reddish is now using his skills and expertise in leadership, senior management, team building, and strategic planning to assist companies across many sectors – from sport to health and financial services to get the best from their employees.

In his lectures, Tim talks about his life, the ups and downs and challenges he faced when being advised he would go blind and how he used these experiences and the power of sport to turn his life around. That enabled him to become a successful elite athlete and then he succeeded in transferring his skills, knowledge and determination to become the successful business man that he is today in order to motivate others to think outside the box and strive for personal excellence.


  • Vision isn’t just about sight
  • Achieving excellence


  • MBE
  • OBE Freeman City of Nottingham
  • Honorary Doctor of Laws Degree
Keynote Speaker Tim Reddish

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